Net Bags - 50 units

Net Bags - 50 units
Net Bags - 50 units
Net Bags - 50 units
Net Bags - 50 units
Net Bags - 50 units
Net Bags - 50 units
Net Bags - 50 units

Fale diretamente connosco :

Rui Barbosa : 914969193

Preço :


50 bag sauces

The mesh bag is used in the packaging of fresh agricultural products and nuts with the chestnut

Its mesh construction allows the freshness of the packaged products to be maintained, preventing the formation of moisture or condensation to preserve the quality of the products.

Usually used to pack potatoes, onions and chestnuts, it can also be used for other agricultural products.

Also sold for firewood and pine cones

Price indicated for 1 lot of 50 units

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